Daniele Genadry works with painting, photography and print, to examine conditions and contemporary forms of seeing, particularly those present in postwar Lebanon. Her practice considers the potential of an image to generate its own temporality (light), and to create a mediated field of vision that sensitizes our consciousness. Often based on landscape motifs, the paintings seek, through their material surface, to act physically on the viewers’ eyes, requiring a time of focus and adjustment, in order to apprehend the (painted) image. Their aim is to give a heightened and intense view - and an image form to a particular quality and force - of presence, fragility and disappearance.
Genadry studied at Dartmouth College, NH and at the Slade School of Art, London. She has participated in residencies at the Bronx Museum, Anderson Ranch Art Center (USA), Fondazione Ratti (Italy), and Frans Masereel Centrum (Belgium), and was the Abbey Scholar at the British School at Rome (2013-14), a fellow at the Bogliasco Foundation (IT, 2019) and at the Camargo Foundation (2021). Recent and upcoming exhibitions include: Artist Rooms at Jameel Arts Center, Beirut Art Center, Centre Intermondes, Sharjah Biennial 13, Biennial del Sur, Sursock Museum, SMBA, Bronx Museum and Fondazione Pastificio Cerere. Genadry is an assistant professor of studio arts at the American University of Beirut.